Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hilary Swank and her Oz Garcia Longevity Pak

Hilary Swank takes over 45 pills every single day. These are all vitamins and supplements... but that seems a bit excessive to me.

She says the most important part of her supplement stash is the Oz Garcia Longevity Pak.

Dr. Oz Garcia is an author and nutritional advisor (plus he has a Ph.D. to his name), and has become known as the "Nutritionist to the Stars".

He released a book called "Look and Feel Fabulous forever", where he discusses how one can increase their quality of life and reduce the effects of aging .

Most experts in the health field agree that taking supplements are important to feel great.

In any event, the Oz Garcia Longevity Pak is a collection of supplements for Anti-Aging. What's included?

Here are some of the ingredients: hormone precursors, DHEA (a supposed new form), amino acids, vitamins, minerals, kola nut derivatives, botanicals and herb extracts.

In any event, these are all natural hormone boosters that are supposedly great for your body.

Here Oz Garcia talks about Living Well: Supplements and Nutraceuticals

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