Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Robert Pattinson Stars in Twilight

Robert Pattinson, who portrayed Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire, has been cast as the lead in the film adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight".

Stephenie Meyer is quoted on her website as saying of this casting announcement:

"I am ecstatic with Summit’s choice for Edward. There are very few actors who can look both dangerous and beautiful at the same time, and even fewer who I can picture in my head as Edward. Robert Pattinson is going to be amazing."

The Twilight Movie will start production sometime in February of 2008. Krisin Stewart, from the movie "Panic Room", also has a role in this movie as the character Bella Swan.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I thought I was the only one going crazy here but now i see that people see what I see! Im sure Robert is a great actor and all but hes TOTALLY not edward... I cant even imagine why they would pick him to play his role edward is suppose to be perfect... beutyful... breathtaking... im sorry robert fans but he doesnt exactly fit into that category atleast not for me.... I am so mad at their choice for edward and very dissapointed... I WAS looking forward to the movie... this movie is suppose to be for the audience and their not giving us what we want... HE IS NOT EDWARD!!! NEVER WILL!!! Sorry if im cruel but I love edward and this really ruins my vision... they need to recast for edward!!!! They need to listen to what peoples opinions are... it will not be a big hit if people do not like it.... Just like stephenie thought, Henry Cavill is exactly what I had in mind... atleast something like him would be PERFECT!!! how can he play to big character hits??? he cant be harry potter and then all of a sudden be a perfect, georguos vampire it makes no sence!!! I am not the only one that thinks this all the twilight series fans agree very strongly about this... how can they cast some one like that whit such a perfect main character... hate it hate it hate it!!!

Frances said...

OK yes i think robert is hot in harry potter...but he's no match for edward. seriously edward is supposed to be pale, sculpted and beautiful. robert doesn't fit any of those categories except he marginally fits beautiful. henry cavil would have been a better choice but my friends and i actually pictured gaspard ulliel as edward. he's pale, sculpted and beautiful. i really think there needs to be a recast no offense to robert. i know there are a lot of girls out there who are in love with edward so he has to be PERFECT. robert just doesn't meet the standards. whoever cast robert please rethink for the good of the movie.

locam3nt33namor said...

Everyone needs to get over themselves. It's a character from a book, not a real person so it is, oubviously, impossible to cast an actor that looks exactly like the edward you imagined in your head. Key word here...IMAGINED!! I'm sure he's going to do a great job and everyone who says he wont and writes a freaking novel about it needs to get a life and if they don't like it to shut up and not watch the movie. Get over it!

Suz said...

I totally agree with the rest of you he DOES NOT fit the part of Edward at all!!! He isn't even good looking no offense but seriously they need to re cast Edward I am so dissapointed.And by the way mr. locam3nt33namor we all know that our pictures of edward in our heads are all different but the fact is he does not look the part and his acting skills are only mediocore and Edward is supposed to beautiful and perfect. So shut your piehole because you have absoulutely no idea what you are talking about!!!!! But i guess we will have to wait and see what happens i just hope he does a great job!! still he is defn not what I imangined at all!! THIS TOTALLY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brittney said...

I agree with you guys but if you go to Stephenie Meyer's myspace and read the blog a girl left a pic of Robert and Kristen and boy did that change my mind...go ahead look at the pic it might change yours too...it couldnt hurt to look

nikki said...
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Nara said...

LOL @ everyone going like omggg he's not edward!1111 LOL seriously, get over it, this is going to sound really cliche but HE'S A FICTIONAL CHARACTER! there is NO (perfect) edward. if the movie was out earlier than the book was, no one would be like this lol. Well, i personally thought more of someone like gaspard ulliel but i seriously don't care, i've never seen him acting but i wish the best for robert pattinson and i hope the movie will be good n_n

Mistress of Feron said...

I really dont agree with u guys! Of course he doesnt look like edward in our head, but no one can, because its just imagination!
I think hes a pretty good edward! I mean his hair has that red colour in it, widhout making him a redhead, he is already pale, he is not to short and he is kind of hot! Little make up, styling and the golden eyes...tada!!!!!!! Hell be a very good edward! Im sure everybody will fall in love with rob pattison after watching the movie, u just cant belive that at the moment!(Well exept charlie hunnam would play carlisle, then we all would fall in love with him! But I dont think so.)

starryisurprize said...

Look no offense to Robert and all, ya he's a good actor, but come on!! And I know Edward is a fictional character too, but there's a general description that has to be filed and Robert just doesn't cut it, I'm sorry. I mean Edward is this strong, gorgeous, breathtaking guy, and Robert comes no where near any of those qualities. He's kind of just this "cute little ol' guy." I was so excited to see this movie but I'm so totally bummed now. I mean how can you look at these actors together and feel what Bella and Edward had. Ya soo not gonna happen. They seriously need to recast for the benefit of the readers.

starryisurprize said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Robert IS EDWARD!!! I think he will make a fantastic Edward, maybe not what i hoped for, but I was watching the fake trailers for Twilight on youtube, and he looks amazing. He's probably the best Edward we are going to get.
Can't wait for the movie!!!!!!!!

Kayla said...

Robert is no Edward.. everone is right.. he cant pull this off.. hes supposed to be beautiful and dangerous looking.. he has neither of those characteristics... I think a good choice would be Hayden Christensen.. he reminds me of an Edward in his new movie JUMPER.. which will be awesome.. SO PLEASE RECAST!!!!!!! PLZ DONT RUIN THIS PERFECT SERIES OF BOOKS.. alot of people dont understand maybe b/c they never read it.. but its beautiful.. and he would ruin it.. I personally think ya'll should to to Stephanie Meyers website and look at the people she picked.. they look like the people in that book.. OH and for Jacob.. Steven Strait would be perfect. EVeryone go to this website.. Stephanie has good taste in actors.... http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/twilight_movie.html

SkiingROX said...

I think rob is a great actor and all, but he's not edward. And i know that there will never be a "perfect" ed, but they could at least try to find someone like it! rob just doesn't fit the bill. He's not beautiful/handsome. And his eyebrows are the size of hippos. (sorry to all the robert fans) Im trying to imagine some of the scenes in twilight w/robert in them but every time i do, i feel like im going to throw up! If they want the viewers of the movie to be satisfied they'd better do a recast and have gaspard ulliel as ed. Now there's someone i could watch for two hours! :D

Unknown said...

I believe that they could not have picked a better Edward. He is so beautiful.

Hannah Banana said...

Omg! just get over it and stop being so offensive towards him. When ur watching twilight ur not supposed to be thinking of cedric diggory when u see him. quite honestly i think hes gonna blow all of us away. most of us have only seen him in ONE movie. and it wasnt even the lead so u cant base his acting skills off that. ill admit he doesnt look like the edward i pictured but my friend said he looks a lot like the one she pictured. ok its ridiculous to be bashing him about his so called
"not edward ness" when none of us have the same vision. u dont know what hes like so just give him a chance before u start getting mad at people. Also the director and producer know what they are looking for. they may have considered gaspard ulliel (i was rooting for him) or henry cavill but they may not have had a clear enough schedule, couldnt pull off an american accent, or just werent good enough. if u think about it though u guys are just being extremely selfish. u want the movie to be EXACTLY how u pictured the book. u want it to be UR VISION. key word here UR!!!!! OK they cant please everyone. if they did go with someone else a lot of people probly would feel the same way u do about robert. so give him a chance. because quite honestly when i saw the harry potter movie. my crush life was between him and daniel radcliffe. all im trying to say was he was a cute 17 yr old and he can be again it will just take some changes.
Another ridiculous thing is this quote from Suz who posted earlier.
"So shut your piehole because you have absoulutely no idea what you are talking about!!!!!" That is not only completely and utterly rude but it is also so so so so so so hypocritical. cuz Suz, u dont know what ur talking about either. none of us are professional directors or producers. NONE OF US NO WHAT WERE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!! i think its ok that we voice our opinions but i think for the sake of twilight we need to do it nicely. and dont yell or be rude to other people because their opinion is different. its so stupid and im sick of seeing it on every site. u yell, ur rude, u bash actors, and ur almost making me wish this movie was never happening. there is so much controversy and im so sick of seeing and hearing people get in fights over an actor that will most likely BLOW US AWAY!! dont criticize until you've seen it with ur own eyes. plz.

Shaw85 said...

I think Robert Pattinson will make a great Edward.
To be honest when the 'offical Cullen' pictures came out on Stephanie Meyers page I saw him and only then did I recognise him.
I think dressed in character he looks really good, and I think being a good actor he will be able to pull it off.
He has a different look to him, and I find him really attractive.
I have read the Twilight saga books about 5times over, and loved them even more each time. And like everyone else my favourite character is Edward naturally and I'm so excited for the film, they do not need to recast and I'm glad that they have already started filming for it so that won't be a possibility.
I hope Robert has a high self esteem with people going on about him not being attractive enough.
Edward is only an image in our imagination, everyones vision of Edward is different and they can't please everyone, but I think he will be the perfect Edward!

covey-xx said...

Oh boy people get over it. Everyone sees Edward differently, and not everyone will be satisfied. But, my god, Rob will do a great job. He gives a much better Edward vibe than most of the actors some people want. Edward is a book character, so it is very hard to find a real person for the role. Henry Cavil is not angelic and beautiful looking enough for Edward. He is more like an Emmett perhaps. Robert Pattinson is a GREAT choice and i support him. I agree with Stephenie Meyer. Rob is perfect. So stop complaining, there is nothing you can do about it now except to love a support Rob.:]

Nessa said...

to be honest, i didnt like robert pattinson at first when i saw that he's acting as edward. infact, i as really disappointed!! the picture of edward in my mind was like SO much more beautiful!!

but then the more i look at him, the more i think he might just be able to pull the role of edwrd off.

but i didnt know who gaspard ulliel was until i read your comments! i when to check him i was like OMG !!!! HOT !! HE should be edward !!! OMG !! but i guess one of the most impt thing to pull off i guess is to be able to pull off that crooked smile of edward's

Tinkerbell said...

LOL!!!! Spunk Ransom is the best actor in the world and I love his laugh! But I really think Twilight is a good movie for him to star in because he is supposed to look all breathtaking and sexy. I would say that because I'm just a kid right now. (even though he hates kids, im 13)..... :(

Noelle said...

Robert Pattinson is exactly how I envisioned Edward Cullen looking. He is sculpted, mysterious, and beautiful! His eyes and smile blow me away! He's most perfect for the role of Edward and he is going to blow all you playa haters right out of your seats on 12/12/08! Just you wait. All of you young girls who think you know what "hot" is will learn the true meanning of the word when you see Twilght! Robert will not disappoint!!

Unknown said...

I hate to inform everyone, but i've read the books, I LOVE them. i've already been picking out everything they're doing wrong with the movie but keep in mind that YES, Edward is the strong, beautiful, breath-taking character.. but it's from BELLA'S perspective. She's unconditionally in love with him & all his flaws.

Henry Cavill is too much like an "Emmett" to play edward. Gaspard Ulliel is too skinny & fragile and he's already covered in Hannibal Rising. he definately DOES NOT fit it, though he would have been a lot closer than some. Robert Pattinson qualifies in all the categories NECESSARY, but he isn't going to match the "breath-takingly beautiful" image in your head, you'll have to get over that fact right now.

how about you all get over it, i'm not disappointed, but then again i can tell the difference between fiction and reality. how about you save your criticsm until after the movie is released, and please do remember, he's a very talented actor. i'd like to see you fill his shoes, thankyou.

Unknown said...

well, we thought that the guy who pays james would have been aot more suited to the part of edward. robert pattinson is UGLY. He sucks! I hate him! i cant see James being bad now.
No i am not asking for a perfect repica of what is in my head but just something hot better gorgues not stupid Cedric.
damn it. re-cast!

Danielle Marie said...

I think that Robert Pattinson is going to be an amazing Edward. He is extremely attractive first of all....and we all know that is the first thing we noticed about Edward. Also, in all of the previews and clips I have seen he just seems really captivating. He has this mysterious thing going on which I absolutely love. Another thing that I think is so great is that it really sounds like Rob Pattinson has done his research on Edward Cullen. He is seeing and playing him how he really is, not just as Bella sees him. Ya know, the perfect guy...Rob seems to capture all of the struggles that Edward is facing and, to me at least, it really comes across. He is not just this beautiful creature that Bella sees, he has a terrible secret so we get to kinda see some of his point of view too. There is so much more to that character than meets the eye. I think that he will do fantastic and I am looking forward to see him play Edward Cullen to perfection! I was honestly not aware of who Robert Pattinson really was except for his tiny, yet very important role in HP4, and now I am a true fan! Rob, you are awesome!

Unknown said...

hey everyone, i hate robert lol, soo much, if anyone agrees, feel free to join my group on facebook :) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3367165&op=1&view=all&subj=530700967&id=514627535#/group.php?gid=169213298954&ref=mf